
Holistic Therapy Treatments

Liata Therapies is based in Caversham, near Reading, offering holistic therapy treatments for women looking to relax, unwind and reduce stress. Liata holistic treatments encourage restful sleep and allow our body tissues to recuperate better.

All treatments are complementary and are designed to assist the body in the healing process. They are not meant to replace orthodox medicine and Liata Therapies recommend that you consult your GP if you have any health issues.

Liata Therapies treatment rooms are open Monday to Friday by appointment only and are designed for women.


Reiki Healing Sessions

Reiki is a relaxing therapy which reduces stress and anxiety and helps to restore a sense of calmness and clarity of mind.  Reiki helps to balance and assist the body to heal itself.

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crystal therapy, treatments, holistic

Crystal Therapy

Using precisely placed crystals on and around the body, healing energy is channelled through the crystals, providing a therapeutic and relaxing experience.

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colour therapy

Colour Therapy

Colour therapy highlights your awareness of the energy of colour and how it can transform your life, helping to rebalance your health and well-being.

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indian head massage, caversham, reading

Indian Head Massage

Healing and stimulating in equal measure, an Indian Head Massage works on the upper back, neck and head to relieve stress and tension.

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aromatherapy treatments, reading

Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy massage sessions use specifically chosen oils to relax, energise and refresh the body.

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hopi ear candling treatments

Hopi Ear Candling

This relaxing treatment can be very effective with many problems associated with the ear, nose and throat areas.

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